malang sekali

laptop aku x bole on sebab nak elak semut punya pasai. Aku bawak kopi kat meja dan buh air paip dalam tin kosong muat2 cawan sbb nk elak semut mai. Hang tau apa jadik ayaq paip dalam tin tu hilang. Aku x syak apa2. Aku terus minum kopi aku dan buka laptop. Main sat. Tiba2 pop screen hitam ‘NO ROOOT DEVICE INSERT ANY DISK AND PRESS ANY KEY’. Lebih kurang gitula. Aku tekan apa pun dia keluar mcmtu. Sakit hati aku. Apa malangnya nasib aku selama aku idup. Tak ada satu pun bahagia dalam hidup aku. TAK ADA. Aku buka tutup buka tutup sama saja keluar screen hitam. Maka aku pun sambung main henpon . Dan update blog aku pakai henfon. MALANG/NASIB X BAIK/UJIAN/BENCANA/TAK BERTUAH kena sgt dengan aku. Tak payah expect apa2 dengan aku. Nak hidup pun ….

Film Movies War shooting school

The grey zone🌟
The diary of anne frank🌟
Grave of the fireflies🌟
The counterfeiters🌟
The book thief🌟
Au revoir lemfants
Judgement at nuremberg
Shoah 1985
The pianist
Night n fog
The sorrow n pity
Come and see
The boy in pajama strip
Schindler list
Life is beautiful
Son of saul
Murder/School Shooting film
Hello herman🌟
Natural selection,🌟
Elephant(2003) de Gus Vant Sant🌟
Im not ashamed🌟
My friend dahmer🌟
Detainment 2018🌟
April showers🌟
Heart of america🌟
Excurtion shortfilm🌟
Active shooter shortfilm🌟
Lockdown shortfilm🌟
The book thief🌟
When they see us🌟
Zero day
Zero hour🌟
Bang bang u dead (2002)🌟
Bowling for columbine
Polytechnique (2009)
Inch Allah(2012) xsubs
The klass xsubs
Duck the carbaine high massacre
Bairy lee loikatis
Making a murderer
Innocent tapes
Leslie merrit jr. Interrogation


But but but

i wanna study, but my age

i wanna go out, but my personality

i wanna doing something, but my proscrasindnnsdndjjddj bla bla

i wanna buy something, but my wallet

i wanna a baby, but single

i wanna go hiking, but my leg

i wanna stop doing that, but its the time

i wanna go and do fuckin million times fxxvvzzvzhahsjshsisissjsbsnsjsjsjsjjssjdjdhdbhshshshs dem so hard with life and everything

Im trying

im trying the best i can do for my family but im keep trying and i failed. I just cant . No matter how many days u tried but u keep failing and no one deserved u. I keep finding my purpose in life. When i found is not that long and it gone. To rebuild again that feeling is just so hard and id rather dxxs actually …